“Reaching one’s potential to learn depends so much on the relationships between the people involved, not so much on the content of what is being taught.” (pg 161)
I love this! I need to cross stitch this on a pillow, embroider it on an blanket or paint, frame, and hang it over my desk. Or perhaps Ill write it on my mirror so I can read it every morning!
Any teacher that goes down in my memory as a good one, or one that I have learned a lot from, was a teacher with whom I was safe and connected. It is not just about giving “warm fuzzies” either. It is about being intentional and particular about what you are celebrating in a child. They know when you are being generic and “just like every other adult”. The art of making a connection with a child is about telling the child that “I SEE YOU”. It is celebrating a child in a way that brings out a strength that is beyond a surface awareness. That you SEE them for who they are, beyond whoever they are putting out in the world. (This is especially useful with kids who are typically in trouble.) SEEING a kid, I believe, is one of the biggest motivations that a kid can get from an adult. It can help them rise to being the kid that you SEE inside them, and not the one that they are choosing to show you at the time.
Hale does an excellent job in demonstrating that the art of giving a strength is not just about being positive. It is about SEEING a child and letting them know that you SEE them!
Beautiful. Consider me inspired!