Friday, October 29, 2010

In the real world who really wins: The tortoise or the hare?

Slow down! I had this part highlighted and underlined in Alen's Chapter 5. I think Rachel discussed this in her post for last week too. Slow down is the message that we are getting from every content area class that we have.  Science, Math and Language Arts are all stressing the value of discussion and taking time to allow the students to struggle, think of the issues and problems and find creative ways in which you can think about the issue and solve them.  This is lovely. This feeds directly into my idealistic, rose colored glasses.  Its as though every classroom will be one of those movie montages in which there is uplifting music playing while different shots are taking of me, the graceful teacher, walking around the room checking on my actively engaged students as the pursue their quest for higher learning. LOVE IT! but... really?  In the classrooms I have seen more of a message of:
hurry, we only have 20 mins in each session. Hurry you have to finish your packet to go to recess.
Hurry take your seats, Hurry pass the test, Hurry get on the computer, Hurry Hurry Hurry.
If the school in which you teach has a "hurry up and pass the standards" mentality how can you make sure you are keeping a "slow down and take your time" way of teaching? Although I like the idea that the tortoise always wins... I feel that the the external messages in the school is more Be a Rabbit!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Teach poetry?.... ME?!

When I see the word  “Poetry” I am intimidated. Immediately I think: “Well, I will read this chapter, but I know that I won’t be using this genre and I don’t think I will teach my kids poetry!”  In High School, and even in college, the only time poetry was meaningful in a class was when the teacher was able to make connections for us to the words.  My leap therefore is: I am not a gifted enough student to make these connections on my own…so I could never make those connections for my kids so… I shouldn’t even attempt to do it.
What I appreciate about this chapter is that it reminds me that poetry can be about you, the person.  The lessons and poetry represented in this chapter are accessible to everyone. I really liked the Acrostic poems because I think they would be a great way for ENL students to express themselves using simple words that they may already know.  It would also be a great way for them to introduce themselves and their background to the class.  Loved it!
The more time I spent thinking about my positive experiences surrounding poetry the more I am convinced that poetry can be a great community builder! AND I also think that they would be great first week activities for the class to get to know each other.  Because it helps students express themselves it could also be a great way in which to deal with a death in the school or a tragic current event. Options are unlimited.

So I guess the questions remains: Why not teach poetry?

Keeping with the spirit of the chapter I would like to share one of my favorite poems by Mary Oliver:
Wild Geese

You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
for a hundred miles through the desert repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.
Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Meanwhile the world goes on.
Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
are moving across the landscapes,
over the prairies and the deep trees,
the mountains and the rivers.
Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
are heading home again.
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting
over and over announcing your place
in the family of things.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Never ending possibilities!

In starting to create my MGRP I am getting frustrated (in a good way) because I feel that I could research this project FOREVER!  I started small.  Got a few articles, which lead to a few more, which lead me to drop some articles and then pick up some more.  In our reading for the MGRP she describes the time commitment that the project takes on.  It is easy to see why students would take months to flesh out their ideas.  I would love to take a week just to read different types of multicultural literacy of all ages.  Then I would need a few more weeks to figure out how to categorize them in a way that is helpful, thus needing to research different ways in which I could categorize them.  I would also love to research the different roles of the teacher, school, the students and the families play in multicultural literacy in the classroom.
One thing is for sure it has helped me discover more of my passion for the topic and my curiosity.
This will be a good reminder for me to allow my students space in which to truly delve deep into their topics.  This is another vote for student centered reading as opposed to text centered reading. Ohhhh see, another branch that I could spend weeks exploring!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Potential Capstone Project

I’ve have had a thought rattling around my brain for the last few weeks so I am going to take this blogging opportunity to get it out.
In all of our content classes it is easy to see how they all relate and how you can utilize one to strengthen another. When you engage the students in a science experiment you can utilize reading and writing to research and write about what you observed and the inferences you made during the experiment.  Another example would be the relationship between Science and Math.  You could utilize hands on science activities to create meaning with counting, dividing and decimals.  All of these things can be found in science experiments. Story problems can also help work on a student’s mathematics skills as well as their ability to read and write.
What fascinates me is utilizing these content areas for creating a curriculum that confronts prejudices, racism and bullying.  In our science class we are reading Taking the Plunge by Wynne Harlen.  He talks about ways in which a teacher can push a student to expand their thinking.  He references things like asking them questions that make them consider different possibilities or asking them for the evidence behind their beliefs.  If you take that a step further you could use science as a way of teaching students that there are different ways to believe or perceive things, much like in different cultures. If a student is being a bully or if they are being prejudice you could use the same terminology that you would use in a science experiment to help them see, without the social pressures or the pressure of the subject area, that there are different ways to view and resolve the issue.
Mathematics as well is a great resource.  We have been learning about all the ways to solve problems and look at numbers.  12 can be 12 individual pieces, 6 and 6, 10 and 2, 4 and 8… It can be added and divided in different ways too. If students can grasp that there are several different ways to see numbers and how to combine and break them apart they can surely see that the components that make up a person is going to look different and break apart different as well.
Then finally, Language Arts.  The topic of my MGR is the affects of multicultural literacy can affect a classroom.  I love this idea.  Some teachers have a science or math focus in their classrooms; I know that mine will be community.  In my Social Issues in Education class I am learning about different perceptions of the purpose of education.  I firmly believe in the power of education to help create better communities, less violence and better citizens.  I am excited to potentially create this passion into my Capstone project for my Masters: Integrated Curriculum to Create Community. How Content Areas Can Promote Community.